Poramate Manoonpong

Basic Information


Poramate Manoonpong










Associate Professor


Robotics, Welfare Robotics, Cognitive Systems, Brain Machine Interface

Biographical Info

He currently holds several positions including a Full Professor of School of Information Science & Technology at Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science & Technology (VISTEC), Thailand and an Associate Professor of Embodied AI & Robotics at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Denmark. He is also a co-PI of Bio-inspired Robotics and Neural engineering (BRAIN) lab at VISTEC and Embodied AI & Neurorobotics Lab, part of Centre for BioRobotics (CBR), at SDU.

He was the PI of the Emmy Noether research project for “Neural Control, Memory, and Learning for Complex Behaviors in Multi Sensori-Motor Robotic Systems” at Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN) Goettingen in Germany and was a postdoctoral fellowship and an invited research fellow of the JSPS and Japan Trust programmes, respectively, at Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International, Computational Neuroscience Laboratories, Department of Brain Robot Interface, Kyoto, Japan. As author or coauthor, he has published over 80 publications in journals (e.g., Nature Physics,Front. Neural Circuits, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics) and conferences and his articles have been cited in total 831 citations. His H-index is 14 (from google scholar). He has been PI or co-PI of 12 funded projects. Currently he serves on an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Neuroscience (Neurorobotics) and the editorial board of International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (ARS), (Topic: Bioinspired Robotics) and Advances in Robotics Research, Techno press.
The central goal of his research is to understand how brain-like mechanisms and biomechanics can be realized in artificial agents so they can become more like living creatures in their level of performance. According to this, his team has developed bio-inspired behaving systems with general neural architectures and could show that these agents can acquire complex proactive and versatile locomotion behaviors (resulting in high level contribution to Nature Physics). In addition to this, his team also focuses on transferring biomechanical and neural developments of robots to real world applications like prosthetic and orthopedic devices as well as exoskeleton.